Tips For Staying Safe When Traveling


autumn moments (4)


While most people travel to get away from the stress of the ‘real world’ and to unwind it is important to remember that there is still danger and you should travel with some caution. Often, tourists are taken advantage of especially when they are in a foreign country. Remember these travel safety tips when you are in another country or strange place.

Don’t Stand Out

Muggers often target tourists because they don’t know their way around and don’t know when they are being scammed. Do not stand out from the crowd and look like you don’t know where you are going or what you are doing. In addition don’t wear valuable like expensive watches or big jewelry. This can bring unwanted attention. Make sure to research how locals dress as well. Use google maps with an earphone to find your way around and always stay alert.

Secure Your Valuables

This generally goes without saying, however it is important to secure your cash, passport, and cards. Always make sure they are in a secure place that cannot be easily snagged. In addition keep the numbers of your credit and debit card companies with you so you can call and cancel right away should they be taken. Let your credit card company know you will be overseas as well to prevent them from freezing your card since this is usually a warning sign that they’ve been stolen.

Beware of Scams

Thieves are tricky and many time you may not even realize you are being robbed until after the fact. Watch for people posing as police as well as people who are trying to charge you for tours to show you sights of the place you are at. Beware of everyone, even children. Many people have been pick pocketed or taken advantage of because children distract them with signs or surround them in the streets asking them things. Of course, don’t let this scare you away from talking to locals, just make sure to use caution.


Make sure to let people know you’re leaving as well as give them your itinerary so they know where you are at. Always stay connected, before you leave on your trip check out if your phone has international plans or you can get a cheap burner phone so that you are able to communicate with others. Check in with someone at least once every few days.

Stay Healthy

It is important that you keep your health especially in unfamiliar countries where you don’t know the language. Make sure that you know the water is safe to drink and if not budget accordingly to buy bottle water so that you don’t get dehydrated. Watch what you are eating and pick crowded places that have lines over places that are empty. This will eliminate your chances of food poisoning.

These are all important tips to keep in mind when traveling, however they should definitely not scare you away from going places! These tips will just ensure that you have the best traveling experience possible.